There’s no need to worry. I’m going to be fine, especially because they found out in time.
Congentital Hypothyroidism is a condition affecting the function of the thyroid gland, and can be detected in the newborn screening test. A diagnosis can be scary and confronting. This story is what the diagnosis meant for us.
An Unexpected Outcome makes news.

“Thyroxine is the medicine, it’s a pill I take each day. Frequent blood tests manage my dose so adjustments can be made.”

Words and Images by
Penny Walter
I am a mum and author from the Adelaide Hills where I reside with my family.
With a background in early childhood education, I have always been passionate about infant mental health and wellbeing.
An Unexpected Outcome is my first published book, and whilst it is written from my personal experience, it is aimed at helping the many families who share this story or one of a similar nature.
An Unexpected Outcome
I believe deeply in both children and books. In this fast paced world where time quickly slips away from us, books have never been more valuable and important. Reading with a child offers them language, visual representation, imagination, something to relate to, connection, and most of all it offers time with their care givers. Reading together provides a unique space to connect, strengthening the relationships between child and care giver. A good book can feel like a good friend, it can provide comfort and understanding. I truly hope my books provide this for the readers.
Penny Walter

Early praise for An Unexpected Outcome.

Jessie Chua
I just wanna say that your work means a lot to parents with children diagnosed with CH. My girl is 3 months old and it’s all new to us. Your book will come in handy when we need to explain her condition to her and her brother in time to come. Love from Singapore!

Appreciate your fine new book. I’ll be bringing it to the attention of every parent I know who will undoubtably benefit.

Trinity McInnes
My first recaction was ‘finally someone understands’. A great book. Much appreciated.
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